Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

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Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Tkeenan2107 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:17 pm

So after looking for a while now for a nice Cally something I can drive but work on too, and hopefully have a nice car for billing, and Due to my picky ways I'm not that fussed in a ecotec, so mainly looking at a redtop as that's what I had last, but iv come to realised that too many people whether the calibra is worth saving or not just want to strip them because they are worth more in parts, it really boils my p****r, I hate seeing callys scrapped just for the sake of parts, I understand if it's beyond repair body wise, but if the body is some what ok and the car can be rescued I'd prefer to see them rescued but way too many people are just so eager to jump on the "oh I'll strip it for parts" band wagon, I understand the market for callys isn't great and some cars are worth less as a whole than they are in parts but still let's save them!!!! Rant over what's everyone's thoughts, where do we draw the line on saving a Cally?
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by rich30mex » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:47 pm

Depends how much work you want really it's hard to find a good condition shell these days and getting genuine body panels/parts is even harder. That's why ppl break them especially if it's a c20xe or c20let as the nova corsair boy's snatch the engines and boxes up
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Tkeenan2107 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:01 pm

And the little Vauxhall guys are spoiling it for everyone! Why ruin a cally just to make a Shiite nova or corsa go quicker? Just think many are stripping them to penny pinch
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by KERR_SE9 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:38 pm

If they can be saved,they should, I've broken 3 and they've all been rotten beyond repair
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by DanSE4 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:54 am

I don't get the big deal over breaking a Calibra, it's just a car.

From my perspective, if I were to look into selling mine & in the one hand I had 'x' amount for selling it complete while in the other I had 2 or 3 times that much by breaking it then it's a no brainer really. I get more for it & who's to say whoever I sell it to (if I were to take less & "save" it) doesn't wrap it around a lamppost a week later or break it themselves?
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Chavtastic » Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:43 pm

If the cars are that special or worth saving people would buy them. But they don't.
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Tkeenan2107 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:58 pm

I disagree I think if it's worth saving then save it, and no matter what your not going to make 3 x as much money from breaking one that's rubbish.
I don't see the point of selling a car whole for someone else to break it but if that someone wants to put it back on the road then I think it's best to save them all personal preference really
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by vec 160 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:49 pm

Tkeenan2107 wrote:I disagree I think if it's worth saving then save it, and no matter what your not going to make 3 x as much money from breaking one that's rubbish.I don't see the point of selling a car whole for someone else to break it but if that someone wants to put it back on the road then I think it's best to save them all personal preference really

Why ask for people's thoughts and then deride someone when they give it?
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by tosh1985 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:27 pm

no one wants to see there pride an joy they've devoted there time an money into just for some one else to strip it for bits for a little profit but the issue is here that theres a cally local that was once some ones pride an joy and can be saved,
the new owner seems to want to strip it to benifit his own calibra then still want top whack money for car an whats left beyond what he would even make in parts..
theres team players and theres penny pinching ppl some times its best to figure this out before hand then decide who ya deal with when it comes to rare parts
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Chavtastic » Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:32 pm

I'm currently turning a chavved up SE8 into what could end up being the UK's fastest road legal track Calibra. You know, the one that had budget ICE badly fitted, some s**t fibreglass bumpers and budget tyres. Typical low-budget Calibra ownership.
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by KERR_SE9 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:34 pm

As someone once said to me, "opinions are like arseholes, we've all got one, whether right or wrong"
Agree or not, cars get broken, some for a profit, some because their past it, Nor really a bad thing, it'll slowly push the prices up, and let's face it , we as owners of older cars do require spares, that are not always available new.

People naturally make money where their skills lay,and if that's breaking cars so bet, my personal opinion on it is, If worth saving, save it, if not break it, doesn't mean I'm right.

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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by KERR_SE9 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:42 pm

Think he's annoyed folk break cars, that's just life, and I've saved more than I've ever broken!!
Which reminds me, head will be ready soon, I'll be in touch...
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Tkeenan2107 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:32 pm

I'm annoyed at how many would rather make £50-£100 extra in stripping a car to sell for profit rather than see it back on the road, ok if you have one and the body is bad and the parts you could use yourself then fair enough as we know the original panels are hard to come by and good repair jobs are hit and miss, so ya if the body is ok and the car is salvageable at the right price then I think it's worth saving if someone's willing to put time and money into it which I have been iv looked at 2 redtops and 1 v6 in the past 3 week and both redtop guys wanted to strip most things off the car and still want top whack for the car, the v6 the body was too far gone so I wasn't that interested, and the mileage on the engine was pretty high.
I went to look at a Cally owned by someone locally and I have known of the Cally for many years seen it when I first took mine to a local meet and now someone has it I went to view it, to say it wasn't in its former glory is a understatement, but when the guy who has it is wanting to take bits off it here and there and still want well over £500 for it as it seems he wants or thinks he will get £500 for the engine alone. So I kindly walked away as it would have been off road for a while until I can get bits done here and there ready for some shows next year, but wasn't willing to pay stupid money when he was in dream land thinking he was going to get stupid amounts in parts.
So the search continues.....
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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by v6 steve » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:59 pm

Right guys i dont mind a heated debate but if swearing or threats carry on i will lock/delete this thread and will Ban those involved :D

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Re: Breaking a calibra is it right or wrong?

by Callyman » Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:28 pm

At request I've removed ALL personal digs at others and kept only posts relating to the topic.

I will not tolerate anyone making threats or accusations about anyone else.
I and anyone else in the world that could of read all of that garbage on an open thread are not interested how people get their money or how hard/truthful you all are.
If you are determined to have a go at someone then please use other ways of doing so.
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