Unfinished project for sale

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Unfinished project for sale

by Stealth69 » Sun Nov 03, 2024 12:36 pm

Hello all.
It's been a few years since I last visited this site letting everyone know of a project I was undertaking. Unfortunately ... Ill health resulting in lack of funds caused a halt in proceeding with the project. I've come to the conclusion that I'm never gonna be able to finish the project and just wanted to see if my beloved calibra would spark any interest from anyone on site. I spent around £1500 on trying to do what I wanted to the car which is probably not everyone's cup of tea but all original parts are present and id really love for someone to take it on and finish or put it back to stock and get it back on the road. I realise I'm never gonna get back the money spent on it..... But I'm open to offers for the car and all parts. It has new wishbones already fitted and I lowered it with new red springs. There are some videos on YouTube on my channel. Anyway... That's all .... Hopefully there's someone here that wants a new project. Please message me if interested. Paul
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Re: Unfinished project for sale

by Cliff » Tue Nov 26, 2024 6:49 pm

Stealth69 wrote:Hello all.
It's been a few years since I last visited this site letting everyone know of a project I was undertaking. Unfortunately ... Ill health resulting in lack of funds caused a halt in proceeding with the project. I've come to the conclusion that I'm never gonna be able to finish the project and just wanted to see if my beloved calibra would spark any interest from anyone on site. I spent around £1500 on trying to do what I wanted to the car which is probably not everyone's cup of tea but all original parts are present and id really love for someone to take it on and finish or put it back to stock and get it back on the road. I realise I'm never gonna get back the money spent on it..... But I'm open to offers for the car and all parts. It has new wishbones already fitted and I lowered it with new red springs. There are some videos on YouTube on my channel. Anyway... That's all .... Hopefully there's someone here that wants a new project. Please message me if interested. Paul
Sorry to hear that, Paul. Have you also posted this on our Facebook group or would you like me to do that for you?

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Re: Unfinished project for sale

by Stealth69 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:23 am

That would be great . Thanks
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Unfinished project for sale

by Cliff » Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:42 pm

Done! Done! Please add a location and your expected selling price/ask for the car - it will help you with prospective buyers.

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Re: Unfinished project for sale

by Stealth69 » Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:21 am

The car is located in Rochester Kent. ( Near the isle of grain)
I'm not really sure on price but I suppose it would be nice to get around £500 for her. As said before all original parts are there along with a lot of new components fitted. Truthfully tho I'll take a decent offer just to see her go to someone who is gonna appreciate what they have.
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