Club Calibra Moderation & User Management Policy

If you have any other items for sale or offering services or you see a great deal post it here!

(50 post minimum required to post in this section)

Forum rules

* You must be a club member to post here

* Unless you have the required 50 posts to use the classified section you will be unable to post new topics or reply to topics, if you are interested in a item for sale and you do not have 50 posts - please use the PM facility to contact the seller

* Please be clear about what you are selling, your location and how much you want for the part of parts

* All parts that are being sold MUST have a price that is wanted for the part, posts saying, “OFFERS" will be removed.

* If you wish to upload photos please use our uploader, as this will ensure that the photos are a reasonable size.

* Parts which are being advertised must belong to you and will not be sold on behalf of a third party.An exception may be made if arranged with the Admin team prior to placing the Ad

* Traders or sellers of discounted parts must contact a Moderator BEFORE placing an advert.the advert will then be posted by the Admin team

* Posts are allowed to be bumped, but only after two weeks of no replies to the post.

* Links to vehicles on e-bay will not be accepted in this forum. Please post in the following ForumE-bay Links

* Do not post on a thread if you are not interested in buying the product. If you post something not related to the item being sold, your post WILL be edited or removed. Negative comments about a product will not be tolerated and the posts will be removed, and could lead to the thread being deleted (i.e. you can get this cheaper on eBay).

* takes no responsibility for any of the transactions that occur through this site. If things go wrong then Club Calibra is not liable for this. It is the buyers responsibility to take all reasonable precautions and to ensure that the goods are as described.

* If you sell your vehicle or parts, please edit the title of your post to include *SOLD* at the end of the description or PM a member of the Admin / Mod team to do it for you. This enables people to see at a glance whether it is still available or not. (Don't reply to your post as this just bumps it to the top unnecessarily)

* If you are not a club member and think you have something of value to the club that should be listed here, then PM a site Mod with the details and this request will be considered

* Rules may change without notice.

Club Calibra Moderation & User Management Policy

by Cliff » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:09 pm

To try to improve the Club, the administration team felt that it would be beneficial to have a
common policy on moderation. For the purpose of clarity, the term member is used in this policy and
this includes:
    Facebook Group Members Members
    Fully Paid Club Calibra Members

We believe in fair and balanced moderation that allows members of our Forum(s) and Facebook
Page(s) the freedom of speech they deserve but at the same time protects other members and/or
members of the public from inappropriate behaviour.
We encourage all of our members and visitors to post on our forum content that is of interest,
amusement or benefit to our Club.

Posts will be considered for deletion if they are:
    Fake links and/or other fake content that could mislead others
    P*rnographic, racial slurs or content that would otherwise be considered offensive to the
    general public
    Abusive, profane or defamatory towards another person or other persons
    In our view will cause offense and/or are inappropriate

If a post is identified that is considered for deletion, our moderators will:
    Bring it to the attention of the other moderators for discussion and agreement on the course
    of action
    If action is considered necessary, contact the poster of the content to request them politely
    to remove the content, explaining why
    If the request is ignored, the content will be removed
    NOTE: If the content is considered to be in serious violation of our policy, the moderator may
    at their discretion remove the content without warning; following removal the moderator
    will inform the original poster of the violation and reason for removal

If a member is identified as a repeat offender, our moderators will:
    Bring it to the attention of the other moderators for discussion and agreement on the course
    of action
    If action is considered necessary, contact the poster of the content to warn them that their
    behaviour is inappropriate, and that further action will be taken if they continue to ignore
    the rules of our Club
    Notify the membership secretary who in turn will notify the chairman

If a member ignores the repeat offender warning, our moderators will:
    Bring it to the attention of the membership secretary who shall with the chairman discuss
    and agree on the course of action
    If action is considered necessary, the membership secretary may at his/her discretion with
    the backing of the chairman permanently ban the member
    In the event that a fully paid member is banned by the membership secretary, your Club
    Calibra membership may also be revoked without refund
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Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:26 pm
Location: Linköping, Sweden

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